My name is Lindsey, and I travel the U.S. in my SUV with my dog, Luna. Together, we see the wonders our nation has to offer while finding all of the best spots for furry friends.

My study abroad in the UK where I fell in love with travel.
Luna Tummy Rub
The moment I knew Luna was coming home with me.

I adopted Luna back in 2018 from a local shelter. They didn’t know anything about her history and told me that she was found wandering in a field. I knew she would be my dog the moment she rolled on her back to get some tummy scritches. Although we don’t know much about her background, the shelter guessed that she was some type of Chihuahua/Corgi mix. My girl is curious, sweet, and the best companion anyone could have!

After finishing grad school in 2020 and not knowing what my life would be like during a pandemic, I started to become obsessed with van life videos. I had heard of tiny homes before, but never had seen people build out sprinter vans into little homes. As housing prices soared and I found myself not sure where I wanted to settle down, I decided a decked out van would be in my future.

Sadly, the economy didn’t agree and the prices of vehicles soared. Defeated, I stayed put and held off my dreams of traveling. Then one day I stumbled across a girl living out of her Prius with her dog and realized I don’t need a fancy van to make my dreams happen. That’s when I began putting together my 2018 Toyota RAV4 together for a 6-month road trip around the U.S.A.

Why I Blog

🚘 I want to show others that they don’t have to wait to begin their travel adventures.

🚘 I want to share all of the places you can go and things you can do with your fur baby.

In short, I want to help those who want to get on the road right away and start enjoying a new way of living. Of course, with your doggo. Traveling is way more enjoyable with a furry companion!

Fun Facts About Us

🗺 I have a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing with an emphasis in fiction.
🗺 I’ve written many novels. Maybe one day you’ll get to read them.
🗺 Luna is the goodest girl there ever was and loves going on car rides.
🗺 I work full-time as a remote content writer.
🗺 I love to play video games, read, and pretty much consume anything with a narrative.
🗺 I can walk on my hands.

Thanks for joining us on this tail-wagging adventure!