Living in an SUV: Is it Right for You?

You may be excited to see the US but wondering how you can do it without living in the airport. There is so much to see in the States, and living in an SUV is a great way to explore it all.

The SUV may not be the solution for everyone, but it comes with more benefits than you think. Instead of focusing on the smaller size of the rig, think about the possibilities of where you can travel. That being said, let’s talk about whether or not living in an SUV is the right decision for you.

Living in an SUV: Is it Right for You?

The tiny living space may not be what you had in mind when you envisioned traveling the US. It’s time to discuss the pros and cons of living out of an SUV.

Reasons You May Regret Living in an SUV

I’m going to be honest, it can sometimes be hard to fit your life into such a small space, especially if it’s more than one person trying to make this situation work. Here are some reasons why making an SUV your living quarters may not be for you.

Living in an SUV Can Get Uncomfortable

It’s a small space. Of course, there are different-sized SUVs, but at the end of the day, they will not give you the square footage that a van or RV could. If you have more than one person looking to travel, things may get a little tight.

You should also take into consideration your height and how that may limit your sleeping arrangements. Cramming your body into a small space does not always make for the best night of rest.

There’s also the fact that the SUV is all of the private space that you’ll get. If you want to stand and stretch your limbs out, you’ll need to use public spaces. Not to mention, there’s no centralized AC or heating. A lot of the time, you’re at the mercy of the weather.

You Might Not Save as Much Money as You Think

Are you planning on moving your vehicle? Everyone has to, to some extent. You can’t park in one spot for days on end without people getting suspicious. This means you’ll need to pay for gas to travel. Even if it’s just around town, it can add up.

You’ll also want to be vigilant about car maintenance since this vehicle is your home. That oil change should definitely not wait.

When I live out of my SUV and travel, I don’t always save because gas is expensive. You can mitigate this by staying in one city or town, just remember that everything uses gas.

pumping gas

Finding Places to Park Your SUV Overnight Can Be a Pain

Living out of your car means going with the flow. Some nights, I don’t settle down until checking the third potential spot on my list. Cities can make finding places to park even harder. Maybe there’s a perfect spot, but the vibe is off. Or the lot may be full.

Whatever the case, finding a place to crash for the night can cause stress.

Reasons You May Love Living in an SUV

I know I just listed a lot of reasons living in an SUV is hard, but dealing with some of the downsides can result in some amazing experiences on the road.

You Can See Some Amazing Things on the Road

Due to my space being very small, I found myself constantly exploring and looking for places to hang out. I got to see some really cool things, pulling off the road and exploring logging roads or hiking trails. Even just hanging out in a parking lot directly on the beach was worth it.

I had experiences living out of my SUV that would not have been possible in an apartment or RV. My car could go pretty much anywhere, and that led to some incredible sights.

living in an SUV in the mountains

You Save Money on Lodging

This was big while traveling. It didn’t cost anything more than gas and finding a place to park to sleep in my SUV. And let me tell you, sometimes I prefer it to hotel beds. My bed in the SUV was comfortable, and my rig felt like a little nest.

It was nice knowing that I always had a place to sleep and that it got to come with me everywhere.

It’s a Unique, Life-Changing Adventure

Living out of your SUV will provide you with experiences you can’t get anywhere else. It’s truly unique. It’s not just the National Parks or nature trails I got to see. It was the experience in the car, driving wherever I wanted, knowing that if there was something I wanted to do I could just go do it.

Some of my greatest adventures and memories happened while I was in my SUV.

How to Make Living in an SUV Comfortable

Just because the SUV is a small space doesn’t mean you can’t make it cozy. I loved the arrangement I had in my SUV. It made a great home while I was on the road. When living in your SUV, there are some things you’ll want to do to make it feel less like a car and more like a home.

Making a Comfortable Sleeping Arrangement

This is so important. Getting a good night’s rest is good for your health and will help you to stay out on the road longer. If you hate where you’re sleeping, you may not last on long excursions.

Your bed doesn’t have to be anything fancy. You don’t even need to build out your vehicle to have a comfortable place to sleep. For my bed, I bought an air mattress designed to go in the back of my SUV with the seats folded down, then topped it off with an old mattress topper I had laying around. Overall, I think I spent around $70, and you can definitely do it for cheaper.

I think you get the most space if you fold your seats down and lay from front to back. My biggest suggestion is to find a way to not feel the seat while you’re laying down. The bumps and ridges will bother you more than you think. I used a car air mattress, but a simple piece of plywood to lay on top of your seats could work as well.

Getting Power in Your Rig

You’re not going to leave your car running through the night, so you need to consider how you’re going to power lights or anything you may need while your car is off. This could be as simple as having a small portable battery on hand or a large battery “generator.”

For me, I went with a large battery power bank. I wanted to be able to run a decently powerful fan at night, so I could sleep comfortably. I also worked on the road, so it was important to be able to charge my laptop when I was off grid.

Think about your needs while you’re living in your SUV and which solution you would need to power everything.

Food Storage and Cooking in an SUV

Unless you plan on eating out every meal, you’ll have to figure out how to store and cook food while in your vehicle. There are many different options out there that cover different price points.

You don’t have to have cold food while living in your SUV, but I loved having the option because it meant I could also have leftovers. There are fridges you can get that run off of large battery banks or you can get a cooler. I went with the cooler option because it fit my budget, and I wanted to save my battery for my computer. Besides, it’s pretty easy to find ice!

For dry foods, I had a large storage container in my car that I kept in the bag. Do keep in mind it can get pretty hot in your vehicle. I found most things were fine, but if you ever question whether a certain food will still be good after being in some heat, I would throw it in the cooler. You can also put your food bin in a shady spot in your car.

Also, for cooking, this will also depend on your power situation. I had a rice cooker that I would plug into my power bank. I also ate a lot of food that didn’t require cooking. Camp stoves are another great option if you’re looking to cook meals on the road.

Safety tips for SUV Travel

When I live out of my SUV, I am a solo female traveler. I felt safe during my time on the road, but I made sure to take certain precautions (having Luna as a guard dog also helped).

When in an unfamiliar area, try to download maps, so you don’t have to rely on cell service to get anywhere. Look confident, even if you’re terrified. I was also sure to keep self-defense weapons on hand, like pepper spray.

You’re common sense and instincts will also help you more than you know. If I ever felt iffy about an area, I left. No questions asked. My safety was more important than anything else.

Living in an SUV: FAQs

Living out of your SUV can open up a lot of possibilities for adventures. I love being able to call my SUV my home, especially because of all of the great things I get to see.

Here are some of the most asked questions when people consider trying this lifestyle for themselves.

Can you live in your SUV?

Yes, of course you can! It’s very different than an apartment or home, but it is possible. Just be sure to check the local laws to see what they do and don’t allow when it comes to parking. And remember, be respectful. Most people won’t even realize that you’re living in your vehicle if you don’t make a big deal of it.

Should I live in my SUV?

It depends on what you want to do. I think living out of an SUV is a great way to see the States. I also know there are people who don’t have a choice. Living out of your SUV can come with challenges, but there are a lot of great things you can do when your vehicle is your home.

Can you sleep in an SUV?

This is where things get tricky. Each city has different rules on how long people can park in locations or whether or not you can sleep in your vehicle overnight. I find the best rule of thumb is to be discreet and respectful. I don’t make it obvious I’m living out of my car. I invested in window coverings so people couldn’t see inside, and any time I would park for the night, I would get in late and leave early. That being said, make sure you check out the laws of the town you’ll be in.

Which SUV Is Best for Living In?

Whatever SUV you have! I’m a big supporter of making what you already have work. But, if you’re in the market for an SUV to live in, there are things to consider, like the size. A larger interior means you’ll be driving a larger vehicle, which may limit where you can go. I drive what is considered a compact SUV, and I find I have the room I need to live. If I were to buy a car specifically for traveling in, I would probably go for a mid-size SUV so I could enjoy more space but not have to navigate in a large vehicle.

Is Living in an SUV Safe?

I have yet to run into safety issues. As I said earlier, be prepared and take precautions. Having my dog Luna around was a big part of helping me to stay safe. I also never told anyone that I was traveling alone, and I would always say “we” in conversations. Most people won’t assume you’re living in your car, and there’s no need to notify anyone about this fact.

Is Living in an SUV Worth it?

I may be biased, but I think living out of an SUV is totally worth it. There are hard times on the road, but I love the freedom to travel and explore off of the beaten path. If you decide that you want to give living in your SUV a go, I believe you won’t regret it.

TLDR: Is Living in an SUV Right for You?

At the end of the day, you need to think about your “why”. Why do you want to live out of your SUV? Is it long-term? A short trip?

Whatever the case, I think you make living out of your SUV a great experience. This can allow you to travel or to save a little bit of money. Besides, not many people can say they’ve lived out of their SUV. You’ll be the one people want to hear stories from.

Living out of your SUV can be a great way to go on the adventure you’ve always dreamed of!